The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the world’s shared plan to end extreme poverty, 减少不平等, 到2030年保护地球.
Tackling a broad range of social and economic development issues, 全球目标促进社会公平, 经济安全, 繁荣包容的地球, which our 木 sustainability strategy supports and aims to work towards.
作为联合国(UN)全球契约的成员, 木 is connected to the global conversation on sustainable development. Our commitment to support and uphold the ten principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, 劳动力, environment and anti-corruption forms the foundation of our sustainability programme.
Focused on the issues most material to our business and stakeholders, we seek to deliver focus on 伍德 contribution to the 联合国西班牙 through the goals within our greatest sphere of influence. 通过我们提供的服务, 我们选择的工作, 并交付我们的解决方案, we demonstrate our commitment to global sustainable development.
支持清洁用水和卫生设施, we support vulnerable communities through our work to deliver critical infrastructure projects that address the challenges of water scarcity and stewardship.
通过行业协作和伙伴关系, 我们正在帮助开启更智能的创新, more connected solutions to the evolving challenge of sustainability in a rapidly changing world.
Focused on sustainable infrastructure and resilient communities, our services across the energy and built environment deliver critical infrastructure projects, 保护敏感环境, and help cities adapt and thrive in the face of a changing climate and rapid urbanisation.
Taking climate action to reduce our own carbon footprint and supporting our clients to reach their own sustainability goals, we seek to challenge behaviours around consumption and deliver sustainable change through everything we do as Team 木.
Delivering a range of consultancy services and technical expertise to clients across a range of environmental issues, we deliver projects that support our clients’ efforts to reduce impact on the environment, 陆地和水下都有.
Through local action and the support of 伍德 global employee matched funding programme, 我们为解决贫困和饥饿问题作出贡献, through the efforts of our people to care for those most vulnerable in today’s society.
Through local action and the support of 伍德 global employee matched funding programme, 我们为解决贫困和饥饿问题作出贡献, through the efforts of our people to care for those most vulnerable in today’s society.
Chosen by our people, 伍德 current global cause focuses on quality education for all. 通过奉献我们的时间, money and resource we seek to show up as a trusted community 合作伙伴 to demonstrate our collective impact in tackling educational issues in the locations we operate.
Our focus on inclusion and diversity in creating a culture that welcomes, celebrates and empowers our people to be the best they can be helps to differentiate our business, powers our progress and enables sustainable development that shines a spotlight on the importance of equality.
Embedding fair working practices through our business processes and 合作伙伴hips, we seek to return sustainable value to the economies we impact, 重点是为所有人提供公平和体面的工作. Recognising future skills as a vital component of our group strategy, 我们的目标是互相吸引, 在公司内部培养和留住人才.
Our focus on inclusion and diversity in creating a culture that welcomes, celebrates and empowers our people to be the best they can be helps to differentiate our business, powers our progress and enables sustainable development that shines a spotlight on the importance of equality.
Delivering Impact through 合作伙伴hip for the goals is a strategic focus for 木 in recognition of the need for business, government and society to work together in achieving sustainable development and measurable impact.